2020 Data Science Industry Analysis.

Kshitij Jagatkar
5 min readDec 19, 2020

What do you really know about the “Data Scientist”? Do you know that there are approximately 81% Male Data scientists in the industry.

Photo by Pietro Jeng on Unsplash

Each year, Stack Overflow publish survey analysis about the developer community about everything from their favorite technologies to their job preferences. The survey is very useful for the developer community and for the people like us too. This year nearly 65000 developers participated in the survey. The analysis which I did is narrow to the Data Scientists and Machine Learning Specialist only, cause you know the where is boom!

Analysis because the statistics can tell us more about the community such as Geographic, Demographic and Industrial analysis. Let’s begin and see.


Top Countries having Highest Number of DS/ML Specialists

You can see clear picture that Unites States still stand out at the number one position with 36% around for the role as a Data scientists and machine learning specialists. Well, the hype went really fast and with that India grabbed 2nd position producing little more than 20% which, In 2018 India no where around top 5. Followed by United Kingdom and Germany with 16% and 8% respectively. then the trend is almost similar by the Australia, France, Canada, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland.



Gender of The Data Scientist / Machine Learning Specialist

Needs certainly attention here, Also if you observe the overall industry you will find somewhat similar or slightly improved numbers. This is like you will find more male chefs than females and also more female teachers than male. There are 17% woman who work as data scientists or ml specialists. 1.3% include non-binary, genderqueer or those who did not confirm. And 81% male which was 5% lesser compared to 2018.


Little surprised? Yes, the age which is having the most data scientists is 26 years old and also wait what! 15 year old yeah you might be picturizing the small kid having spectacles with high intelligence blowing out minds of some news channel’s anchor then yeah they are the younger ones fall into this this range. Shout-out to old ones who are still serving the industries at 63.

Formal Education

Well well, Masters they say, With more than 40% who are data scientists / machine learning specialist has completed their Master’s degree in their respective major's. Followed by Bachelor’s degree people scoring above 30% and then some Ph.D. holders. And the last ones entering with their school bags scoring below one percent.

Major Field

This one is lil obvious, people who completed their formal education has these majors. Computer science people holds the 1st position, followed by the essential Mathematics and Statistics people. Followed folks who wish they could have had their major in computer science or end up taking decision about their career in this field. And folks, who are poet, philosopher, nurse, some artists, musicians and lot many welcome to the data science world.

Industrial Analysis


Top languages used by data scientists/machine learning specialists

The pythonist or pythonior haha..felt good? One of the most loved language too yeah 27% of the total pie. Also do not forgot rest of the portion is covered by the other languages. Never one is enough, SQL stand out at the 2nd most language used by the data scientists/ml specialists. Other big players are also there manage to get some what similar results. Remember this is only for this particular role.

Coding Experience

This coding experience is considered overall(Since how many years they have been coding). By observing we can say that most data scientists has coding experience of 5 years. There are also 2–3% of people who has less than a year of coding experience and working as a DS/ML sp. And some 1 percent people who has 50 plus experience in coding.

Job Satisfaction

Here we can say the “sexiest job” statement was lot a lie, 42.6% are overwhelmed by their job. If we combine the slightly satisfied and very satisfied then there will be more satisfied people than compare to slightly dissatisfied and very dissatisfied combinedly. there are almost 10% people who were not willing to say anything about their job satisfaction.

Highest salaries

These are the top 10 countries who pays very high salaries amongst the other. The home of the mighty giant companies “United States” is one of the very top of all in terms of paying the high amount to their employees. If we look at the broad spectrum of salaries of US, there are very few like very few people who sit at the top with up to 2M dollar per year salary and lil more people with salaries ranging from 1M-1.75M dollar per year. And rest of the people sits at the average of $210k per year. It’s five times of a average salary in the US which is around $50,000pa.

Code as Hobby Thing

The data scientists/Machine learning specialist who code as hobby

Well this one is self explanatory, Almost 30% folks doesn't like to code can we say? hmm, I like but it’s not my hobby.


As we seen there are so many new things that we get to know some of them were lil surprises and some of which were already known to us but had a truthful conclusion on them. If you are looking forward to do a career in this field then I hope this blog might cheer you up. Let me know if you have any suggestions or need any help. I have provided some useful links related to this if you wanna know more.

For the dataset and information regarding Stack overflow developer survey 2020 click here

And if you want to see the complete analysis of this then for my jupyter notebook click here

